304 North Cardinal
St. Dorchester Center, MA 02124

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Monday to Friday: 7AM - 7PM
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Omnitrope 30iu Kit




Human Peptide Hormone
Active Substance: Human Growth Hormone (Somatropin)
Manufacturer: Sandoz
Unit: 1 Cartridge 30 IU (10 mg / 1.5 mL) (Pen included)


Shipped from the USA


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Omnitrope HGH Injection Pen

Omnitrope stands as a premier synthetic human growth hormone (HGH) therapy, tailored to address growth hormone deficiency in both children and adults, fostering robust growth and development. Versatile in its formulations, Omnitrope offers diverse options for administration, ensuring flexibility and ease of use, while maintaining stringent standards of safety and effectiveness.

In pediatric patients, Omnitrope serves as a potent stimulant for growth, targeting conditions such as growth hormone deficiency, Turner syndrome, chronic kidney disease, and genetic disorders causing short stature. By actively boosting growth hormone levels, Omnitrope facilitates linear growth, empowering children to reach their full developmental potential and enhancing their overall quality of life.

For adults grappling with growth hormone deficiency, Omnitrope emerges as a vital therapeutic solution, addressing symptoms arising from various underlying causes such as pituitary tumors or age-related decline. By actively managing growth hormone levels, Omnitrope alleviates symptoms like reduced energy, diminished muscle mass, increased body fat, and cognitive decline, fostering vitality and well-being.

Manufactured with precision and adherence to the highest pharmaceutical standards, each dose of Omnitrope guarantees purity, potency, and reliability. Supported by healthcare professionals well-versed in hormone therapy, Omnitrope embodies a steadfast commitment to optimizing health outcomes and enhancing quality of life, regardless of age or circumstance.