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Oxymetholone (Anadrol)


Ion Labs Anadrol

100x25mg tablets

Domestic USA shipping available


Anadrol/Anapolon, a potent DHT derivative, excels with an anabolic potential four times that of testosterone. Renowned for rapid athletic performance enhancement, it outshines other steroids in strength, recovery, and muscle growth. Widely used in bulking due to substantial water retention, Anadrol also proves valuable in cutting phases, akin to other AAS.

Being a 17α alkylated steroid, oxymetholone may impact liver and stomach functions. To ensure safety, include liver and stomach support supplements before, during, and after a cycle.

For optimal dosing, Anadrol’s estimated 8-hour half-life requires twice-daily administration, commonly in the morning and evening, with dosages reaching up to 75mg. Cycles typically span 4 to 6 weeks.

Stacking Anadrol with exogenous testosterone is advised for hormonal balance. It complements injectable compounds and synergizes well with HGH, MK-677, and SARMs. For enhanced liver and stomach protection, consider adding BPC-157 to your regimen. Responsible usage and healthcare consultation are paramount.