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What actually are Anabolic Steroids?


Most people discuss AS without having any idea what they actually are. In simple terms, AS are chemical rel-atives of testosterone synthesized in a laboratory. Although testosterone is found in both sexes, women have a tiny fraction of the amount men have. For purposes of discussion, a hormone like this has two different effects on the body: the androgenic effect influences sexual characteristics (such as distribution of body hair, depth of the voice, development of sex organs as wellas cognitive and even psychological and behavioral charac-teristics); the anabolic one affects such things as muscle mass, bodyfat, strength and various aspects of metabolism.

Anabolic steroids in general were developed to differ from testosterone by enhancing the anabolic effect while diminishing the androgenic aspect (basically to produce an anabolic effect without corresponding masculinization, which could lead to male-pattern baldness, prostate hypertrophy and other undesired effects). The different AS available correspond to different properties and thus effects that each has.

Anabolic steroids are also useful in the rehabilitation of injuries. Actually, these drugs are in some ways similar to cortisone (the body’s major anti-inflammatory, but also a potent catabolic hormone) and have some of the same effects, both positive and negative. One of the original purposes for the development of AS was as a gerontological drug. The idea was to allow elderly (especially bedridden) patients to maintain lean body mass despite a restricted appetite and lack of exercise. One early research project involved giving Dianabol, a powerful oral steroid, to a number of patients for an extended period. As has often been reported, many of them experienced negative side effects such as transient liver damage.


Depending on the drug, AS produce any number of effects on the body. Among those reported are: 1) increased protein synthesis, allowing an athlete to train with greater intensity without going into negative nitrogen

  1. Physical Effects:
    • Increased muscle mass: Anabolic steroids promote muscle growth by increasing protein synthesis in muscles.
    • Enhanced strength and endurance: Users may experience improvements in physical performance, allowing them to train harder and recover faster.
    • Increased risk of injuries: Due to the rapid muscle growth and strength gains, users may push their bodies beyond their natural limits, leading to an increased risk of injuries.
    • Fluid retention: Anabolic steroids can cause the body to retain fluid, leading to bloating and weight gain.
    • Acne and oily skin: Increased testosterone levels can stimulate the sebaceous glands, leading to acne and oily skin.
  2. Psychological Effects:
    • Mood swings: Anabolic steroids can affect neurotransmitter systems in the brain, leading to mood swings, irritability, aggression, and even violent behavior (referred to as “roid rage”).
    • Depression: Some users may experience depression, especially during periods of steroid withdrawal.
    • Psychiatric disorders: Prolonged use of anabolic steroids can increase the risk of developing psychiatric disorders such as anxiety, paranoia, and psychosis.
  3. Cardiovascular Effects:
    • Increased risk of heart disease: Anabolic steroids can raise LDL cholesterol levels and decrease HDL cholesterol levels, leading to an increased risk of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.
    • High blood pressure: Steroid use can elevate blood pressure, putting strain on the cardiovascular system and increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke.
  4. Endocrine Effects:
    • Hormonal imbalances: Anabolic steroids can disrupt the body’s natural hormone balance, leading to reduced testosterone production, testicular atrophy, and infertility in men, and menstrual irregularities and fertility issues in women.
    • Gynecomastia: Prolonged use of steroids can cause the development of breast tissue in men due to increased estrogen levels.
  5. Liver Damage:
    • Oral anabolic steroids can be toxic to the liver, leading to conditions such as hepatotoxicity, jaundice, and liver cancer.
  6. Other Effects:
    • Growth inhibition in adolescents: Steroid use during adolescence can prematurely stop bone growth, leading to shorter adult height.
    • Virilization in women: Female users may experience masculinizing effects such as deepening of the voice, facial hair growth, and clitoral enlargement.

It’s important to note that the severity and extent of these effects can vary depending on factors such as the type and dosage of steroids used, the duration of use, individual genetics, and underlying health conditions. Additionally, many of these effects may persist even after discontinuing steroid use.

Physical Effects

Anabolic steroids exert various physical effects on the body. Primarily, they promote increased muscle mass and strength by stimulating protein synthesis within muscles, leading to hypertrophy and hyperplasia. Users often experience significant gains in muscle size and strength, particularly when combined with rigorous resistance training. Additionally, anabolic steroids can cause the body to retain water and sodium, resulting in bloating and temporary weight gain. This fluid retention can manifest as a “puffy” appearance, commonly observed in the face and extremities.

Moreover, steroid use can lead to alterations in body composition, such as a reduction in body fat percentage and an increase in lean muscle mass. These changes contribute to a more muscular and defined physique, which is desirable for athletes and bodybuilders. Furthermore, steroids accelerate recovery by reducing muscle damage and inflammation, enabling users to engage in more frequent and intense training sessions. This accelerated recovery facilitates faster gains in muscle mass and strength.

Athletes may also experience improvements in endurance and overall performance due to increased red blood cell production and enhanced oxygen delivery to muscles. Steroids can provide a competitive edge in sports requiring strength, speed, and endurance. However, alongside these benefits, users may also encounter adverse effects on the skin, including acne breakouts, particularly on the face, chest, and back. Steroids can stimulate the sebaceous glands, leading to increased oil production and subsequent acne formation.

In addition, steroid use may exacerbate hair loss in individuals predisposed to male pattern baldness, while women may experience increased body and facial hair growth. Some users report improvements in joint and tendon strength, reducing the risk of injuries during intense training. Furthermore, steroids can stimulate appetite, contributing to weight gain and muscle-building efforts through increased caloric intake. It’s important to recognize that while these physical effects may seem desirable, the use of anabolic steroids carries significant risks and potential long-term consequences. Individuals should carefully consider the potential benefits against the potential harms and explore safer alternatives for achieving fitness and performance goals.

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